Sunday, May 17, 2009

Congress sweeps, BJP weeps, Mayawati cries and the Left dies

My top 5 reasons for the UPA government coming back to power:

1. National Rural Employment Guarentee Scheme(NREGS)- Not my favorite and something I particularly don't support but then if you do intervene at that scale you're bound to better than your last performance

2. The Pay Comission: Who is the biggest employer in this nation? Yes it's the Government of India. If you give your employees a nice little pay rise then you're definitely headed for a good run.

3. Minimum Support Price: Agriculture has taken a huge shot in the arm with the MSP all crops going up significantly over the past 5 years. Says alot about the 60% of our poppulation earning a significantly greater income than what they did 5 years back

4. Reservation: Like it or not, a lot of casteism is practiced at the rural level today. There are colonies that are formed based on caste and people are forced to not send their kids to school just because they belong to a certain class. It's the wrong type of empowerment but empowerment none the less. Especially when the OBCs form 51% of the poppulation, you will earn quite a few brownie points.

5. The youth leaders: On my left- Rahul Gandhi, Sachin Pilot, Milind Deora, Priya Dutt, Jindal and on my right- Sushma Swaraj and Arun Jaitley? What the opposition lacks is the charisma of their youth leaders and in a true sense they lack real statesmen (No one minus Jaswant Singh, Arun Jaitley and L.K. Advani).

What the Congress needs to focus on if it wants to come back to power in the next General Elections:

1. Education, Education and more Education.
2. Uplift India's textile sector and bring more jobs to the villages.
3. Invest in the future, don't just hand out money.

-Akhil Sharma